INFORMATION CHECKLIST In order to ensure your activity statement is lodged in a timely fashion, we have now introduced a information checklist for you. Please complete the Section which applicable to your business and simply indicate “Yes” or “No” together with the information required and then return to us as soon as possible. Business Activity Statement (BAS) BAS Month * BAS Month *JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember BAS Year * Personal Details Company Name First Name * Last Name * Email * Mobile Section A: If you use our daily bookkeeping excel for your bookkeeping (please attach a copy) 1. Have all income (cash sales, EFTPO sales, interest income & sale of assets) been recorded? Income (Code: S ) Yes No 2. Have GST, description and code been recorded based on original invoices? Expenses (Code: P&1-54) Yes No 3. Have gross wages recorded under “Total” column and tax withhold recorded under “GST or PAYG-W” column? Wages (Code: W ) Yes No 4. Have you recorded purchase of tools, electrical and furniture over $100 and allocate to code C1, C2 etc.? Capital Assets (Code: C ) Yes No 4.1 Have you purchased any Motor Vehicles in the current quarter? If yes, please provide the following documents: – Purchase contract/Tax Invoice Yes No – Car loan contract Yes No 4.2 Have you purchased a new business in current quarter? If yes, please provide the following documents: – Settlement statement; and/or Yes No – Business purchase contract Yes No Section B: If you use XERO for your book-keeping 1. Have you reconciled/allocated all bank transactions in XERO? Yes No 2. Have you recorded all expenses paid from cash sales? Yes No 3. Have you advised the gross wage & tax withheld for employee? Yes No if you are not using the payroll function in XERO 4. Do you have current quarters closing balance? Yes No (e.g. 31 March, 30 June, 30 September & 31 December) Section C: If you use any other software (e.g. MYOB) for your book-keeping 1. Have you provided us with username & password? Yes No 2. Have all of your bank accounts reconciled? Yes No 3. Have you advised the gross wage & tax withheld for employees? Yes No if you are not using the payroll function of your software (e.g. MYOB) 4. Do you have current quarters closing balance? Yes No (e.g. 31 March, 30 June, 30 September & 31 December) Section D: If you use our book-keeping service 1. Have you provided copies of all invoices and/or receipts? Yes No 2. Have you provided the current quarters bank statements? Yes No 3. Have you provided cheque butts & deposit books? Yes No 4. Have you provided the payroll summary for your employees? Yes No BAS submited on Submit